Monday, December 5, 2005

Role of management to engage all by reflecting diverse employee stories

Last week I was out hunting for behavioral stories for a client. I began my search with a contact list of middle to senior managers. I also had some basic information about each of the areas including some engagement scores.

Here’s where it gets interesting. In the areas with high engagement scores – I had no trouble at all in getting stories of front-line employees living the desired behaviors. In the areas with lower engagement scores the stories, while all very worthy, were about middle managers and senior professionals.

Stories about building a new division or bringing a consortium of partners are valuable and should be told; but so too are the stories about re-arranging the stock room for improved efficiency and finding a way to get a package to a client quickly.

Managers need to understand that it is their job to ensure every employee feels valued and understands how he or she contributes to the organizational goals. Managers need to tell all their employees stories.