Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Remember you only live once. Jill and Kevin get it - they made "their day" quite unique.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I receive a weekly newsletter from Kaizen Consulting. . Check out their website to sign up.

This week’s topic was on enrolling people with a view to doing business, a key component of which is listening.

As author Michael Walsh points out - we are not very good at listening.

In school we are taught to write, read and present, but not to listen. Our educational system and our workplaces give “power” to the person with the microphone. We are either speaking or waiting to speak. Even so we are not having much success with our oral communication – close to 75% of oral communication is ignored or misunderstood.

We spend about 42% of our time listening. What if we were truly productive listeners? According to Michael 68% of lost business is due to “poor listening”. Just imagine what we could achieve if we truly heard others.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I am on a journey of discovery. Check out my website to learn more about Nicky Fried Consulting .

While I may be very excited to be on the path less traveled, many find change intimidating.

It may be a sign of the times but I have numerous friends and colleagues who have either chosen to or had change imposed on them. It is with them in mind that I decided to develop a top ten list of what excites me about change. I hope you will add to, and share this list with colleagues and friends, so that together we can inspire and help others to embrace change.

1. Change provides opportunity to do things better – we all love to improve.
2. Change forces my mind to work harder. When we do something differently we use unfamiliar neural pathways; it’s like exercise for the mind.
3. I get to indulge my passion for people watching. When there’s change on the go people are sure to react - one way or another.
4. I am inspired by those who are earlier adopters of change and help the rest of us to see opportunity in challenge.
5. I love the fact that people whom I would least expect to react positively to change surprise me and find their personal connection to it.
6. Change forces me to think more deeply about how I look at life and what my role and reaction to change is – and should be.
7. Change gives me a new perspective on things I take for granted. It’s like walking down a street you usually drive down – you get to look at it from a different viewpoint.
8. Change makes me feel young. When I was young possibility was around every corner, and change helps me to regain that feeling.
9. I love that I go into change knowing that I will come out a new person, more experience, enriched.
10. And the very best reason of all for change - I get to learn new things.

And now – it’s your turn.