Friday, March 28, 2008

When opportunity knocks

Imagine - if you do not already have this - that the most perfect person walks into your life. This is your soul mate. He or she is gorgeous and meant for you in every way. Do you:

1. Jump in boots and all

2. Decide you can't possibly get involved because he/she is not in your social circle

3. You really like this person but you are too busy right now - you will get to him/her later

4. Check your bank balance and decide you don't have enough money to ask out your soul mate

5. Take nine months checking the person’s credentials by which time he/she has found someone else.

What has this go to do with business? Quite a lot actually. Often we come across strategies, tools and processes that we instinctively know will work for our organizations, but for a variety of reasons we brush them aside; we're too busy, it's too much money, need to do more research, have never worked with this company before. And so the opportunity passes by.

A fellow I know who works for a large bureaucracy found a process he loves. But he said no because the supplier was not on the preferred vendor list.